Independent Shows
November 26, December 17, February 18, April 28
Compete, Clear round only, or Train in the ring
Company of Animals Ruxbury Farm KT16 9
Show opens 9.30am. Judging starts 10.00am
Second chance runs available in every class
CLASS 1 –STEEPLECHASE: (Gd 1-3) (Hurdles & tunnels only) Small/Micro, Medium, Intermediate/Large
CLASS 1 A – STEEPLECHASE: (Gd 4-7) (Hurdles & tunnels only) Small/Micro, Medium, Intermediate/Large
CLASS 2 – AGILITY 1: (Gd 1-3) (No weaves) Small/Micro, Medium, Intermediate/Large
CLASS 2 A – AGILITY 1: (Gd 4-7) (No weaves) Small/Micro, Medium, Intermediate/Large
CLASS 3 – JUMPING: (Gd 1-3) Small/Micro, Medium, Intermediate/Large
CLASS 3 A – JUMPING: (Gd 4-7) Small/Micro, Medium, Intermediate/Large
CLASS 4 – AGILITY 2: (Gd 1-3) Small/Micro, Medium, Intermediate/Large
CLASS 4 A – AGILITY 2: (Gd 4-7) Small/Micro, Medium, Intermediate/Large
N.B. Classes 1 and 1 A will be run over the same course. The same rule applies to each class.
UKA Beginners to Novice is counted as equivalent to K.C. Gd’s 1-3, and Senior to Champ as Gd’s 4-7
Late entries will be accepted so long as cap is not reached. Cost will be £25 for four runs.
We do not send out individual running orders.
Jump heights: – Large Dogs – 60 cms, Intermediate Dogs – 50 cms, Medium Dogs- 40 cms,
Small Dogs -30 cms, Micro Dogs – 20 cms
Scrambles series points league
We also have a Scrambles Show points league which all entrants are entered into automatically. This has a trophy awarded at the end of the season for highest points in each of the three height divisions.
Points are awarded as below. N.B. Points are only awarded for Clear rounds within the course time.
1st – 6 points, 2nd – 4 points, 3rd – 3 points, Clear round – 1 point
Extra information
Running NFC: You may use a toy or food for your training rounds but please be considerate and do not use any food that can’t be easily eaten in one bite by your dog and be extra careful not to drop any whilst you are working.
Anyone who could judge for us will be VERY gratefully welcomed; first timers included.
We would love it if you could volunteer to judge.
You will get goodies from us, plus lunch, plus entries for one dog free at another Scrambles Show and loads of gratitude.
Some sat navs take you to the wrong end of the venue. The entrance you need is Gate One
Entries please via email
Date/Dates of shows you are entering________________________________________________________
Handler Name | Dog’s Pet Name | Dogs Breed | Dogs Jump Height | Grade 1-3 or 4-7 | Classes |
Handler’s Name …………………………………………………………………..
E-mail ………………………………………………………………………………….
Home address…………………………………………………………………………………….
Declaration (to be signed by handlers)
I/we declare that the above-named dog(s) are 15 months of age or over and have received suitable training for this event. I/we will not bring to the venue any dog knowingly exposed to contagious illnesses (such as, but not limited to Kennel Cough) within 14 days prior to the first day of any of Scrambles shows. I/we agree to abide by the rules of Scrambles shows and accept that I/we enter these shows at my/our own risk.
Please tick or put a Y in the appropriate statement below
I have enclosed cash( ) or I have paid by BACS( )
Signature………………………………… Date………………………………………………
No entries accepted until we have received your payment by BACS or cash. We no longer accept cheque payments…sorry !
BACS: Account name: Scrambles Dog Training Sort Code: 09 06 66 Account number: 41460072
Please put on this as reference: your name and date of show. Please fill in below and e-mail copy of payment please to
Date of transfer: -……………………. Value of transfer: -…………………. Your ref: -……………………………………….
Thank you for your entry and we look forward to seeing you soon.